
Dilution Calculator

Input V1, M1, & M2 in required input fields and click calculate button to find volume V2 using dilution calculator 

V2 = V1 x M1M2

Dilution Calculator 

Get the value of the final volume by the dilution equation of molarity and volume. This dilution calculator also finds the value of the solvent added to V1 to make it V2.

How to use this calculator?

The steps to use this tool are simple:

  1. Enter the values of the initial and final concentration in Mol/L.
  2. Input the value of initial volume V1.
  3. Click Calculate.

What is the Dilution process?

Dilution refers to the process of reducing the concentration of a solute in a solution, usually by mixing it with more of the solvent. In other words, it's the process of making a concentrated solution less concentrated. 

Dilution equation:

The mathematical representation of the dilution process is expressed through the dilution equation:

M1V1 = M2V2


  • M1 = Initial concentration or molarity
  • V1 = Initial volume
  • M2 = Final concentration or molarity
  • V2 = Final volume

This equation serves as the backbone of dilution calculations. It states that the product of the initial concentration and volume (M1V1) is equal to the product of the final concentration and volume (M2V2).

Calculating Final Volume and Solvent Added

Let's delve into how to use this formula to determine the final volume (V2) and calculate the volume of solvent that needs to be added to achieve the desired dilution.

First, rearrange the formula to solve for V2:

V2 = (C1 * V1) / C2

This formula allows us to calculate the final volume (V2) given the initial concentration (C1), initial volume (V1), and final concentration (C2).

Once you know the final volume, calculate the volume of solvent that has been added to the solution. This is done by subtracting the initial volume from the final volume:

ΔV = V2 - V1

Here, ΔV represents the volume of the solvent that was added.


For instance, consider 5 liters of a solution with a concentration of 0.5 mol/L and we want to dilute it to a concentration of 0.2 mol/L, the final volume can be calculated using the formula:

V2 = (C1 * V1) / C2

V2 = (0.5 mol/L * 5 L) / 0.2 mol/L

V2 = 12.5 L

This means that to achieve a concentration of 0.2 mol/L, the total volume of the solution should be 12.5 liters.

Now, to find the volume of solvent added, subtract the initial volume from the final volume:

ΔV = V2 - V1

ΔV = 12.5 L - 5 L

ΔV = 7.5 L

So, we would need to add 7.5 liters of solvent to the initial solution to achieve the desired concentration.

Everyday Applications of Dilution

The concept of dilution isn't limited to laboratory or industrial contexts; it's a part of our everyday life too.

Food and Beverage Preparation: When you prepare a cup of coffee or tea, you're often diluting the coffee or tea extract with water. Similarly, concentrated fruit juice or soup stocks are diluted with water before consumption.

Cleaning Supplies: Household cleaning products are often sold in concentrated forms to save the packaging. Consumers dilute these products before use, following instructions on the product label.

Pharmaceuticals: Many medicines, especially those given to children, are prescribed in diluted forms to provide the correct dosage. Pharmacists use the concept of dilution to compound these medications.

Gardening and Agriculture: Fertilizers and pesticides are often applied in a diluted form. This allows for more even distribution and reduces the risk of harming plants with overly concentrated applications.

Pool Maintenance: Chemicals used to balance pH and disinfect swimming pools are diluted before being added to the water to avoid harm to swimmers.

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