
Long Multiplication Calculator

To find the product, enter the first and second number, and click the calculate buttton using long multiplication calculator 

Long multiplication calculator 

Long multiplication table is used to find the product of two numbers with steps. It can find the product of positive or negative multipliers and multiplicands. This tool also calculates the product of decimal numbers. 

What is multiplication?

Multiplication is a mathematical operation used to find the product of numbers. The multiplication is referred to the addition such as adding the multiplicand (first number) up to multiplier (second number) times.

For example, if the multiplicand is 25 and the multiplier is 5, it means you have to add 25 up to 5 times. 

25 x 5 = 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 = 125

The multiplication can also be done by using the times table of the whole numbers to avoid long addition of length products such as 234 x 231.

Steps to do long multiplication of numbers

Here are some steps to do long multiplication manually.

Step 1: First of all, write the multiplicand and multiplier such as multiplicand on the top of multiplier.

For example, 2321 x 239

 2 3 2 1
 x 2 3 9

Step 2: Start multiplying the right most digit of the multiplier with the right most digit of the multiplicand.

 2 3 2 1
 x 2 3 9

Step 3: If the product of two numbers is greater then 9, write the write most digit and carry the left-most digit to the next term.

As the product of 2 and 9 is 18, we’ll write 8 as answer and 1 will be the carry value. 

 2 3 2 1
 x 2 3 9
8 9

Step 4: Keep going from right to left, if there is any carried value, add the carry digit to the result.

As the product of 9 and 3 is 27, then add 2 that is the carried digit, 27 + 2 = 29

   2 3 2 1
  x  2 3 9

2 0 9 8 9

Step 5: After completing the product of right most digit of the multiplier by the multiplicand, move to the left digit of the multiplier and start writing the result in a new row with a zero or cross sign at the right most digit place.

   2 3 2 1
   x 2 3 9
2 0 9 8 9

6 9 6 3 x

Step 6: Move from right to left of the multiplier until the last digit comes. Write the third answer row with double zero or double cross sign.

      2 3 2 1
      x 2 3 9
   2 0 9 8 9
    6 9 6 3 x

 4 6 4 2 x x

Step 7: After complecting the multiplication, perform long addition from right to left on the answer rows. 

     2 3 2 1
      x 2 3 9
   2 0 9 8 9
   6 9 6 3 x
4 6 4 2 x x

5 5 4 8 1 9

Long multiplication with decimal

Here are some steps to do long multiplication with decimals.

Step 1: Count the numbers after the decimal point in multiplicand and multiplier.

Such as: 243.45 x 2.1

Numbers after decimal point = 3

Step 2: Multiply the multiplicand and multiplier without decimals.

   2 4 3 4 5
x           2 1
   2 4 3 4 5
4 8 6 9 0 x
5 1 1 2 4 5

Step 3: Insert the decimal point before 3 digits in the answer of the product.

243.45 x 2.1 = 511.245

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