
Percent Yield Calculator

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Percent yield calculator

Percent yield calculator is used to calculate the percentage of actual yield to the theoretical yield. Actual yield and the theoretical yield can also be calculated using this Percent yield calculator.

What is Yield?

Yield refers to the quantity of product acquired from a chemical reaction. It is a measure of the effectiveness and efficiency of a process. Yield is typically expressed in terms of mass, volume, or moles and can be calculated using various formulas depending on the nature of the reaction.

What is Percent Yield?

Percent yield is a metric used to compare the actual yield of a reaction to the theoretical yield. It represents the efficiency of a reaction as a percentage. A high percent yield indicates a successful reaction, whereas a low percent yield suggests inefficiencies or losses in the process.

Calculating Percent Yield

The percent yield can be calculated using the following formula:

Percent Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) * 100


Actual Yield:

The measured or received quantity of product from the reaction.

Theoretical Yield:

The maximum amount of product predicted by stoichiometry or calculations.

By comparing the actual and theoretical yields, you can determine the efficiency of a reaction and identify areas for improvement.

Factors Affecting Percent Yield:

Several factors can influence the percent yield of a chemical reaction. Here are some common factors to consider:

Purity of Reactants

Impurities in the reactants can hinder the reaction or lead to side reactions, reducing the overall yield. Therefore, using high-quality and pure starting materials is crucial for maximizing percent yield.

Reaction Conditions

The temperature, pressure, and reaction time significantly impact the yield. Optimal reaction conditions should be identified through experimentation to achieve the highest possible yield.


Maintaining the correct stoichiometric ratio between reactants is essential. Deviations from the ideal ratio can limit the yield, as one reactant may be in excess or deficiency.

Catalysts and Solvents

The choice of catalysts and solvents can greatly influence the reaction efficiency. Selecting appropriate catalysts and solvents can enhance the yield by providing favorable reaction environments.

How to enhance the percent yield?

To maximize percent yield, several strategies can be employed. Here are some useful tips and techniques:

Purification Techniques:

Implement purification techniques such as recrystallization, distillation, and chromatography to remove impurities and improve yield.

Reaction Optimization:

Thoroughly optimize reaction conditions, including temperature, pressure, and reaction time. Small adjustments in these parameters can lead to significant improvements in yield.

Identifying and Minimizing Side Reactions:

Carefully analyze the reaction pathway to identify any potential side reactions. Taking preventive measures, such as adjusting reactant ratios or modifying reaction conditions, can minimize their occurrence.

Catalyst and Solvent Selection:

Evaluate different catalysts and solvents to find the most suitable options for the reaction. Catalysts can enhance reaction rates, while solvents provide optimal conditions for the reaction to occur.


Example 1:

Suppose you conducted an experiment to synthesize a compound and obtained an actual yield of 8 grams. However, based on stoichiometric calculations, you determined that the theoretical yield should be 10 grams. Calculate the percent yield.


Step 1: Extract the data

Actual yield = 8 g

Theoretical Yield = 10 g

Step 2: Calculations

To calculate the percent yield, you can use the formula:

Percent Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) * 100

Plugging in the values:

Percent Yield = (8 grams / 10 grams) * 100 Percent Yield

Percent Yield = 80%

Example 2:

Let's say the desired yield is 15 grams, and you know from previous experiments that the percent yield of this reaction is typically around 75%. Calculate the theoretical yield (Amount of reactant)


Step 1: Extract the data

Actual yield = 15 g

Percent yield = 75% = 0.75

Step 2: Calculations

To calculate the necessary amount of reactant, you can rearrange the percent yield formula:

Theoretical Yield = (Actual Yield / Percent Yield) * 100

Plugging in the values:

Theoretical Yield = (15 grams / 0.75) * 100 Theoretical Yield

Theoretical Yield = 20 grams

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