
Fraction Calculator

Enter integers to make fractions and select the operation to solve fractions using fraction calculator.

Fraction Worksheets

Fraction Calculator

Fractions calculator takes the fractions from users and performs the following operations.

  • Adding fractions
  • Subtracting fractions
  • Multiplying fractions
  • Dividing fractions

Let’s dive into fractions by exploring fraction definition, how to simplify fractions without fraction simplifier, and how do you subtract, add, multiply, or divide fractions manually.

What is a fraction?

Fractions are used to represent part of a whole. When we divide something in parts, a fraction shows the number of parts we have out of total quantity.

For example: If a pizza have total of 8 slices then 1 slice out of 8 can be expressed in fraction as 1/8.


The upper part of fraction is known as numerator while the lower part of fraction is known as denominator.


How to simplify fractions?

This calculator for fractions or fraction solver performs all of the following operations.

Example: Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on given fraction.

2/3 and 3/4

How to add/subtract fractions?

Step 1: Make the denominator of both fractions same.

= 2×4/3×4 + 3×3/4×3

= 8/12 + 9/12

Step 2: Add the numerator of both fractions and write the denominator by taking it common.

= (8 + 9)/12

= 17/12

2/3 + 3/4 = 17/12

By subtracting the numerators in the end, you can subtract fractions in the same way.

How to multiply fractions?

Step 1: Multiply the numerator and denominators of both fractions to each other.

= 2/3 × 3/4

= (2×3)/(3×4)

= 6/12

= 1/2

How to divide fractions?

Step 1: Reverse the second fraction by interchanging the position of numerator and denominator. Also replace the ÷ sign by × sign.

2/3 ÷ 3/4

2/3 × 4/3

Step 2: Now, multiply the numerator and denominators of both fractions to each other.

2/3 × 4/3 = 8/9

Add fractions calculator can accomplish all of the above performed operations on fractions.

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